The BMA print fair was a smashing success for the MICA table and also for yours truly. I sold one of my books and have a lead on selling the last one in the edition. I may have even sold a few prints but I'm not quite sure of that. I stopped going to the BMA print fair some time ago, mainly because the dealers were less than friendly when I walked up to a table and tried to look at anything. This time around I was very excited, since I no longer look like a scruffy art student, I felt sure that I would at least warrant eye contact and maybe even a greeting of some sort. I was mistaken. Same cold shoulder as before.

By comparison, at the MICA booth almost everyone who walked up was greeted in some form. People were allowed to look around but as soon at it seemed like they had questions, someone was right there to answer them. One student was able to sell one of her largest prints simply because she took the time to explain her process and her work in general.

If you know me, you know that I am not normally any sort of MICA or art student cheerleader but this weekend I was very very impressed with how everyone handled themselves, especially in comparison to the other vendors. I am concerned that the MICA students will not be invited back because they did so well. There were rumors that others felt their sales were being siphoned off because the student prices were lower. For those people, I would highly recommend that they try some good old fashioned customer service. You never know who has money to spend or for that matter, who is there representing someone with a great deal of money to spend.

Anyway, I will refrain from launching into a rant on the elitist nature of the art world and remember that for every snobby art dealer I've encountered, I've met many more delightful artists and collectors who are a pleasure to deal with. They exist and they make the art world and the world in general a much happier place.